Weight Loss
Meal Prep Tips
With the new year now in full swing, you are probably working towards your new goals. If one of your health and fitness goals is to eat more healthy, preparing your meals in advance will help make sure you stay on track and moving forward! Here are five tips to help...
5 health hacks to help you see BIG changes in one year!
5 health hacks to help you see BIG changes in one year! Like they say, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Small and simple things you add to your daily routine will help make a big difference in the long term. All you need to do is be a little better than...
How to actually keep your resolutions this year
As this year draws to a close, the new year is just around the corner. If you’ve struggled in the past with setting and sticking to your New Year’s resolutions, try these tips! It’s important to follow all of the steps in order to reach your goals. Each one makes a...
Stress during the holidays…
Managing stress during the holiday season... Being stressed is a common thing when it comes to the holiday season. If you feel stressed during this time of year, know that you are not alone! But stress can have a negative impact on your health, and can affect your...
What to say when food is pushed on you…
Staying true to your healthy food and fitness routines are hard with all of the extra temptation during the holidays, and it can be hard to stay on track when you might be facing pressure from friends and family that are encouraging you to “take a break from your...
Stay on track over Christmas
Christmas is just 24 sleeps away (umm, how did that happen!?), and if you’re anything like me it can be hard to stay on track with your health and fitness when there are so many other things taking up your time and attention. But this is the best time to focus on your...
How to rev up your metabolism
5 Easy Ways to Rev Up Your Metabolism! Everyone hear about metabolism and how you can have a fast one or a slow one, right? But do you know where it is in your body? Can you point to it? Well, no. Metabolism is a completely normal bodily process that converts...
3 tips for sore muscles
If you are starting a new fitness routine, muscle soreness can hang around like a dark shadow. If you are anything like me, sore muscles can easily steal all of your motivation to working out. Its uncomfortable, and you don’t feel like doing anything but curling up on...
Not seeing results? Here’s why…
No doubt that when you started a fitness program, you had a specific goal in mind. Everything was great at the start, you started feeling how great it was (even if it was that post exercise high) and you knew you were on the right path. You'd found your groove. But...
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