Weight Loss
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Top 5 Tips to Help You Avoid Holiday Weight Gain 1. Start your day off right! Starting your day off on the right foot with a good workout will help you stay on track the rest of the day! Even if you have an ugly sweater party or big family dinner that night, starting...
Five things to replace to get lean, fast!
I get asked a lot about losing weight, getting lean and toning up. I also get asked how to do this, fast. So I put together a list of the five ways you can lose weight, tone up and see results really fast. Warning: Every one of these will make a HUGE impact on not...
Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise?
If you are constantly pushing yourself to exercise and dieting to lose weight, I’m here to tell you you can stop starving yourself and getting frustrated. Throw away the diet and detox plans, as changing your habits is what gives you permanent success. And stop...
Will I Lose Weight By Eating Smaller Portions?
If you simply shrink the portions you are eating, most probably. If you are eating smaller portions, but changing the types of food, probably not. For example, if you are currently eating a veggie stir-fry with rice, and you change this to just the rice,...
Why You Aren’t Losing Weight…
Why you aren’t losing weight... Warning: Rant ahead!! First of all, the diet industry does NOT want you to be successful. What they actually want is for you to continue buying their products. Most fat loss products are nutritionally unbalanced and some are...
3 Wrong Ways To Lose Weight
3 wrong ways to lose weight, and what to do instead... 1. Diet pills / slimming teas / laxatives Quite simply, these do not work and can even damage your liver and gut. Usually the diet pills, slimming teas or laxatives completely replace or force meals to be...
The Three Biggest Mistakes With Nutrition
The Three Biggest Mistakes With Nutrition Having 'Rules' For the Wrong Reasons I don't eat carbs after 5pm. 2000 calories per day is my limit. I eat clean during the week so I can eat what I want on the weekend. Sound familiar? If you’ve ever followed rules,...
Lower back stretches for lower back pain
Get lower back pain? Maybe it's from bad posture? A weak core? And now you're exercising and your back is getting upset... The good news is, if you haven't injured yourself, you can relieve the pain fairly quickly! Muscles can become sore after exercise which...
4 supplements you should be taking
Wondering what supplements you should be taking to help you train better? Looking to improve your performance? Speed up your recovery? Maybe your cupboard or shelf is full of so many different things, and you're not even sure which ones you should be taking?...
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