Weight Loss
I’m not sore, does that mean I didn’t try hard enough?
Have you ever felt like you didn’t workout hard enough just because you don’t wake up sore the next day? That’s a very normal feeling, and it’s more common than you think. Many believe that muscle soreness automatically means that you got a killer workout in, but...
Post Easter tips
Three tips for the post Easter house! Most holidays are centered around the idea of indulging in excessive amounts of not so healthy foods, and Easter is no exception. While it’s important to find balance and enjoy these foods every once in awhile, you also...
Are carbs bad for me?
There is a belief floating around that carbs are the worst possible thing you can consume if you’re looking to tone up, lose weight, and get healthy. But not all carbs are created equal.. There are two types of carbs, and each will either help or harm your progress!...
Why do Metafit?
Many HIIT-style workouts do not promote enough intensity for the workout to be termed HIIT, whereas metafit sticks to true HIIT principles. It is a 30-minute, bodyweight-only, non-choreographed, high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that gets brilliant...
Get rid of your cellulite, finally!
Over the past few months of summer, you may have found you've wanted to tone up every time you needed to chuck shorts or a bikini on. You want that cellulite that is hovering around your thighs and booty to disappear right. (Me too!) Well, I've been working on...
Healthy life, healthy mind…
You probably set a bunch of New Year's Resolutions in January - healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life, right? But usually by mid-February, most people have let their resolutions fall to the wayside. Life gets in the way, and they just forget about their goals and...
Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? Read this.
Stress and overwhelm has become so common and it’s even become a trend to talk about how stressed we are. Have you ever fought your friend over who has the more stressful situation? Why would anyone want to one-up their friend to win the stress game?? It's crazy....
5 morning habits for a healthy lifestyle
Snooze. One more time - snooze. Ok just one more - snooze. Oh shit I’m late.. Sounds familiar? Hectic mornings are considered normal, but having a slower morning definitely feels better. A solid morning routine will actually help you move closer to your health...
What to do when you aren’t seeing results
Recently I’ve been talking a lot about setting goals, and how to get yourself on the right path towards reaching your health and fitness goals. Now I want to talk about what to do when you’ve been working towards your goals but aren’t seeing results. You’ve hit a...
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