Weight Loss
My Journey to the City to Bay
My training journey to my first City to Bay Week 1: Run 1: This is awesome. I ran faster and further than I thought I would! Sun 8am. Fartlek - 4km in 33mins Run 2: Probably chatted a little too much during the run. Didn't push, but was happy to just get moving. Tues...
How to Practice Gratitude
How to practice gratitude and thankfulness.. In the chaos of everyday life, it can be easy to get swept up and become overwhelmed with getting everything we need to get done, or getting to the next appointment, or checking the next task of the to-do list. We get so...
What’s in my lunch box
What’s in my lunch box – A day inside my food diary Last week I told you all about my must have gym essentials! Those were the essentials for my workouts, but nutrition is just as important, if not more. I wanted to give you a sneak peek into what a typical day...
Gym Bag Essentials
Gym Bag Essentials: What’s in my Gym Bag? Maybe you are new to working out, or you’re just starting a new routine, or maybe you’re just interested…what things can you keep handy in your gym bag to help maximize your workouts, keep yourself organized, and what do I...
How to relax and stress less
It can be easy to get swept up in the stress and chaos of your daily life, so today's article is all about how to relax and stress less. Between work, study, relationships, errands and household tasks, life can start to feel overwhelming pretty quick. So how do you...
How technology affects your sleep
It’s common these days for our phones to be by our side at all times and to be on them until we fall asleep each night. And if you are like me, your phone is even your alarm clock. While it seems to be the normal way to unwind, technology has a big impact on the...
How to Organize Your Life
Do you ever think OMG how is it August already? Well don't fear, it's time to organize your life like never before. It’s just that time of year. The following tips will help you feel calmer, minimize your stress, and have you feeling like you’ve got everything...
Why don’t I have abs yet!?
Do you ever ask yourself, why don’t I have abs yet!? Although most people think they need to “work their abs” more, a chiselled core is made mostly in the kitchen. But you know that right? If you're looking to get rid of that belly fat, here are 5 easy tips to help...
Boxing Benefits for Men
Men who include boxing into their routine can reap loads of benefits such as increased muscle tone, burning stored fat, building stronger bones, increasing cardiovascular and muscular endurance, improving your strength and power, and also helping with stress relief....
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