Weight Loss
Top 5 upper body exercises
The 5 best exercises for upper body strength that anyone can do!! Looking to tone your upper body and look leaner? These five upper body exercises will improve your strength, and help you tone up those arms and chest. The best part is you can even do most of...
How to burn fat, gain muscle & get lean
Are you looking to burn fat plus look leaner and more toned? The best way to is to build up your muscles! Here are my three best tips for burning fat, building your muscles and start looking leaner: Healthy diet You know that eating a healthy diet is important,...
5 easy ways to get fit and healthy
I wanted to share my best tips with you for how to live a more active, healthy life. These are all super easy to add into your day. Although simple, it all adds up and could be the difference you see in your clothes/on the scale. When watching TV, add in 10 star jumps...
15 of the best foods for weight loss
Looking for the best foods to eat to help you lose weight? Here are 15 different foods that will do exactly that! Keep in mind though, that in addition to what you eat, your fitness is still just as important. Make sure you’re keeping consistent with your workouts,...
Common Excuses for Not Working Out
There are many excuses that we use when it comes to working out. Here are five common excuses you might be using when it comes to working out, and how to overcome them so you can stay on track with your fitness goals! “I’m too tired” Working out gives you an...
Creating habits that STICK!
How to make working out a habit that STICKS! If you pick up a book on goals, the biggest tip is usually to create a habit. But if you’re anything like me, sometimes you skip this step, go full bore for a bit then fall off the wagon. Then start again... It can...
Are you doing enough exercise?
Is it possible to not exercise enough? There are a lot of claims going around about the “required” amount of exercise you should be doing each week. Some experts swear by three times per week, some by five, and some by six! The information can make it confusing...
How often should I workout?
How often should I workout? Everyone knows that working out is important for your health, but how often should you actually be exercising? Some say 5-6 times per week, others say only 2-3 times per week. So let’s look at the different factors that go into your...
Will lifting weights make me bulky?
There is a big misconception going around about lifting weights. The notion is that women will get bulky the instant that they start weight lifting, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The truth is that weight lifting and strength training will help you get...
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