

Weight Loss

Am I experiencing muscle soreness (DOMS), or am I injured? 

Am I experiencing muscle soreness (DOMS), or am I injured? Injuries are usually instant pain, or very soon after finishing exercise. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) usually kicks in the day after, sometimes even two or three days later. DOMS can hang around for a...

Supplements That I Take

Lately we've been having conversations around supplements and I've been asked what I use. So I will give you a run down of what I take. Please note that these are supplements - meaning they are supplementing my diet. Supplements are not a magic pill and can not 'fix'...

“What do I do about my biggest problem area?”

"What do I do about my biggest problem area?" For some, it's their arms or 'bingo wings'. Others would probably say their legs. And majority of people are going to say it's their tummy. So what can you do about your biggest problem area? I'll tell you. Apologise,...

The Best Options When Getting Takeaway…

Want to get takeaway or eat out, without sabotaging your health and fitness progress, AND still enjoy your food?   Here are the 5 biggest impact ways to do so:   1. Prioritize veggies. Try to look for and choose a dish with loads of veggies. This doesn't mean you have...

3 Easy Ways to Stop Stress Snacking

Stress snacking usually sneaks up on us, and before we know it, we're licking our fingers clean, and looking for another packet or two... But when things around us are changing and life feels like it's almost stopped, yet our minds are going at a million miles an...

5 Ways to Calm Down Quickly When You’re Overwhelmed 

It's normal to get upset and worry at times, but when you feel overwhelmed, anxious and stressed, what can you do? It usually happens so fast that it feels like a sneak attack that we didn't see coming, so it's good for you to be prepared and have a few strategies to...

Protein… Why all the hype?

Generally when someone hears that I am plant based, they ask me if I'm eating enough protein. Or they ask where I get my protein from.. Let me start by saying this: Meat is not the only, nor the best, source of protein. Yes, protein is important in our diets, but you...

How do you get rid of cellulite?

How do you get rid of cellulite? Creams? Special brushes? Laser or surgery? Who honestly knows? I don't. What I do know, is that cellulite is not something to be hated, just like you shouldn't hate your leg for being your leg. Know someone who doesn't have it and...

Confidence and happiness

Does confidence make you happy or does happiness make you confident? If we are confident, we aren't always necessarily happy, but if we are not happy, we generally aren't confident. So when we drill down, confidence is a big driver behind happiness. And to be...

How many times per week should you work out?

Ask your friends, family or even your doctor how often you should work out to get results and you will receive different advice. In short, they will all tell you to either eat less, move more or both. It's technically correct, but not helpful advice. But if we just...

Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Studying

So many of us are studying after work, on weekends and online. And it's pretty common to feel tired and unfocused, so instead of procrastinating, it's time to sharpen our minds with our nutrition. When we are studying, we are looking to prevent brain fatigue, maintain...

How to get a flat stomach & toned abs!

Abdominal muscles, or abs, aren't actually made in the kitchen. They are made in the gym, however they are revealed in the kitchen. First up, if you are looking to have rock hard abs - I'm talking about walking on a stage in a bikini type of abs, then check out this...

10 Healthy Meal Prep Ideas

Tired of searching through millions of pins on Pinterest trying to find easy to make, healthy recipes? We’ve compiled a list of our favourite recipes that are tried and true to make it easy for you.   They are healthy, and most are quick to make. We are all about...

Are Carbs Bad For You?

We are not surprised with how many times we get asked about carbohydrates or 'carbs' - how to reduce them, if they should be avoiding them or what is the right time to have them/stop eating them.   We've met people who avoid carbs after 5pm, people who 'don't eat...

How to lose weight and keep it off

Be realistic. The easiest way to make sure that you lose weight and are able to keep it off, is to be realistic. It’s not about finding the 'perfect' (aka extreme) diet that will help you lose an excessive amount of weight in a short time frame…it’s about creating a...

5 easy kitchen swaps for easy weight loss

One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to simply 'upgrade' your meals by eating a healthier alternative. Looking for healthier alternatives to some of your favourites is super easy with Google & Pinterest full of ideas. But here are my top five kitchen swaps...

How fat can help you burn fat 

You are probably looking at the title of this blog post and wondering if there’s been a typo. But it really is true; by eating more dietary fat, you’re allowing your body to burn off excess stored fat. So how does this work?   When starting a new diet or...

The Best Fitness Tools to Keep You on Track

The Best Fitness Tools to Keep You on Track   So you’re excited to get kick start your weight loss and fitness in 2019? But you’re a little nervous that you won’t stick to o reach your fitness goals? That's ok. Here are the five best fitness tools to help you...

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