Weight Loss
How my naturopath & I healed my gut
Firstly, I am not a naturopath or doctor, and this is does not take the place of medical advice. This is my personal experience. If you have low energy, have pain after eating certain foods, have been told you are gluten/lactose intolerant or deficient in...
What to wear to the gym…
Wondering what you should wear to the gym? Check out the following article from Ashbourne where I was asked to comment on what is best to wear:
Why Should I Take Risks?
Today is my second-to-last day of my office job and I'm really really excited. Like I'm so pumped, but I just wanted to talk about the risk that I had to take to get to that point. Quitting your job is not an easy thing, and I had a lot of people doubting me,...
How to use your mindset to achieve better results
Changing your mindset could be the key to changing your life. What if I told you that your success has nothing to do with where you’re starting from right now, but is all about having the right mindset? What is mindset? (And does it really matter?) Quite simply,...
Top 5 tips to avoid stacking on the kgs over Easter
How to avoid Easter weight gain 1. Set yourself a reasonable chocolate limit. There's no need to deny yourself a few treats, but remember that Eater is just one day. Enjoy a hot cross bun or little chocolate without guilt, but don't go overboard on your...
Healthy Easter Meals
Don't want to sabotage your goals for one weekend of overeating & regret? Will you be staying fit & healthy over the long Easter weekend? I certainly will! I'm not going to let a four day weekend de-rail me, and you shouldn't either. I'm going to take...
What to give for Easter..
It's common for most people to think, 'what do I give for Easter?' Well, to me, Easter really is all about giving. And giving has a different meaning to me, than to most. Most see a chocolate egg at the shops, buy it, wrap it & give it to someone.. For me, it's...
5 Inspirational Women to follow
Happy International Womens Day!!! To celebrate some amazing women on this day, I’ve made a list of 5 inspirational women to follow on social media: Kaisa Keranen @Kaisafit I’ve been following Kaisa since her & her previous training partner, Jennifer, had a...
How to know if your fitness is improving
Are you getting frustrated and feeling like you’re putting in all the work but aren’t seeing the results you’ve been expecting? Yet? Here are four ways that your fitness is improving that you may not have even noticed: You have more energy. You’re finding it...
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