You probably set a bunch of New Year’s Resolutions in January – healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life, right? But usually by mid-February, most people have let their resolutions fall to the wayside. Life gets in the way, and they just forget about their goals and intentions for the year.


Is this you?

If so, that’s okay! You are human, and it’s hard to break out of a deeply ingrained habit. It will take more than a few days to make a mindset switch and actually change your lifestyle.


So if you’ve forgotten about your resolutions but want to get back on track, first, change your mindset. If your mind isn’t focused on your goal, then you will return to your old habits. With that being said, here are a few things that will help you begin changing your mindset when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.


The first tip is to focus on how you start your mornings. Mornings can be a hectic time, but waking up thirty minutes earlier will allow you to get in the right space. What I would recommend, is waking up earlier, sitting down, and writing your focus for the day. It helps to keep you focussed on the important things, rather than wasting time scrolling through Facebook or Instagram…


Next thing, have visuals all around you. Hang up pictures of inspiration for your goals on your vision board, create a collage of motivational photos and set it as your desktop or laptop background, or write your goals on post-it notes. Keeping your goals in the front of your mind on a daily basis will start to switch your focus!


The last thing that has really helped me get into a routine, is to start by setting one gentle alarm on my phone. Like I mentioned earlier, we are creatures of habit. In order to start my whole day right, I can’t be rushing around in the morning and throwing a piece of toast down as I drive to work. (I gave toast up for lent anyway haha)


To turn your habits into healthy ones, you need to start by giving yourself reminders. It can be as simple as me with my alarms or setting up alarms on your computer at work to remind you to walk around and stretch – whatever your goal is, break it down into a task and focus on that one task for a whole week – you’ll be amazed at the changes.


After a while, it will become your normal routine, but in the beginning those reminders are helpful. Set alarms for meal prep, grocery shopping, workouts, to get moving around the office, or even to reset posture. It takes a few minutes of planning each week, but will help you ingrain your new habits. Now these things are becoming a part of my daily life.


Use these tips to reignite your new year’s resolutions, and keep you working towards your goals!

If you need help breaking down what you want, comment below.