by Deanna Matulin | Oct 17, 2017 | Goal setting, Mindset, Training Tips, Weight Loss
Is it possible to not exercise enough? There are a lot of claims going around about the “required” amount of exercise you should be doing each week. Some experts swear by three times per week, some by five, and some by six! The information can make it confusing... by Deanna Matulin | Oct 8, 2017 | Goal setting, Mindset, Training Tips, Weight Loss
How often should I workout? Everyone knows that working out is important for your health, but how often should you actually be exercising? Some say 5-6 times per week, others say only 2-3 times per week. So let’s look at the different factors that go into your... by Deanna Matulin | Sep 21, 2017 | Goal setting, Training Tips, Weight Loss
There is a big misconception going around about lifting weights. The notion is that women will get bulky the instant that they start weight lifting, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The truth is that weight lifting and strength training will help you get... by Deanna Matulin | Sep 19, 2017 | Goal setting, Training Tips, Uncategorized
My training journey to my first City to Bay Week 1: Run 1: This is awesome. I ran faster and further than I thought I would! Sun 8am. Fartlek – 4km in 33mins Run 2: Probably chatted a little too much during the run. Didn’t push, but was happy to just get... by Deanna Matulin | Sep 12, 2017 | Goal setting, Mindset, Training Tips
How to practice gratitude and thankfulness.. In the chaos of everyday life, it can be easy to get swept up and become overwhelmed with getting everything we need to get done, or getting to the next appointment, or checking the next task of the to-do list. We get so...