


How Box it Out came to be…

Hi I’m Deanna, owner of Box It Out.

I joined Box it Out back in 2012, and I loved it! The sessions were fast paced, challenging and ever changing. I fell in love with kickboxing, the feeling the classes gave me and my new found confidence.

During my time training with Box it Out, I lost two dress sizes and became so involved with boxing, working out in the gym and all things fitness that I became a qualified personal trainer & group instructor. I learnt how to feel confident about who I am, what my body can do and how great movement can be.

I was invited to take my first Box it Out class, and the feedback was so positive that I continued taking more and more classes until I ended up taking over the business in 2015.

Training and teaching at Box it Out became such a passion for me, that I even started kickboxing in the martial art discipline of Muay Thai to continue my knowledge and skills. Another dress size down, and here we are!

I can proudly say that we have some of the best group fitness classes in Adelaide. Yep big statement, I know.

Our classes are different because we teach you skills that you can keep for life. And we keep the focus off body shape, size or weight loss, and keep it on strength and confidence. Every single person deserves to feel strong and confident, and any changes to weight and body shape flow from this. Weight loss can be easy, but it should be the by product, not the main event. 

If you are looking to finally enjoy living in your body and start walking with confidence again, then give Box it Out a try! 

Box it Out is all about making fitness fun, and just like me, it can become your new lifestyle, too.

Group Fitness Classes

Join our supportive community

Personal Training

For those who want that 1 on 1 focus

Nutrition Support

To make your health goals, your reality

The Trainers

Meet the team



Owner / Group & Personal Trainer

Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Happy, high energy, driven, confident, strong, lover of life.

Favourite exercise: Kickboxing. Hands down.

Favourite food: Pretty much anything Italian.

Current training: Muay Thai, weights and running.

Why you love being a trainer in 30 words or less: I get to share the happiness, the feeling of being unstoppable, and most importantly, the confidence, that fitness brings with others.



Group & Personal Trainer

Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Amicable, easily amused, occasionally serious. Punk rock.

Favourite exercise: Sparring.

Favourite food: Pie. All the pie.

Current training: Mma/kickboxing, wing chun, tai chi & qi gong.

Why you love being a trainer in 30 words or less: To teach others, empower others, see smiles and dedication, to be amazed at all the small improvements made week in week out. Essentially, service to others. It’s pretty much the dream.



Group & Personal Trainer

Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Student of life. Always questioning, always learning.

Favourite exercise: Gymnastic rings.

Favourite food: Pizza.

Current training: Gymnastics & calisthenics 7 days a week.

Why you love being a trainer in 30 words or less: Create an education revolution so that people are empowered to take better care of their body and mind, instead of leaving it to a third party.



Group Trainer

Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Ambitious, confident, enjoy life, playful and love a good laugh.

Favourite exercise: Sparring

Favourite food: Love a good pizza.

Current training: Boxing, weights and running.

Why you love being a trainer in 30 words or less: Exercising while learning and self improving has been a big part of my life, being a trainer means I’m able to help and see people grow not only physically on a fitness and skill level but also mentally which is great.

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If you want to begin focusing on your health and absolutely LOVING who you see in the mirror, it’s time to get started!